The Echoes of Uxmal

The Echoes of Uxmal

A nighttime experience that brings an ancient Mayan city to life.

The city of Uxmal, jewel of the Puuc architectural style, lies partially hidden in the jungle of Yucatan, México. The Cocolab team created a magical walk of sound and light through the key structures of the site, ending in a 20 minute projection mapping across three sides of a cuadrangle with original art, animations and music telling the story of a local legend.

Theories exist among archeological experts that Uxmal was some kind of a learning center.  We imagine that those stories, passed down from generation to generation, are still somehow present, resonating within the stones of the ruins, and that if you visit at night, the stories and the voices can still be heard, like voices whispering from the past.

  • Client: Cocolab
  • Date: August 2020
  • Service: Creative Director